Project Activities

Project Activities

With this 21st Century Competencies activity, in this competence field, the participants will be able to understand the place of digital skills in the 21st century.

With this 21st Century Competencies activity, in this competence field, the participants will be able to understand the place of digital skills in the 21st century.

Analysis, comparison and critical evaluation of the information and digital literacy activities and the reliability of information and digital content sources in this competence field will be made.

Analysis, comparison and critical evaluation of the information and digital literacy activities and the reliability of information and digital content sources in this competence field will be made.
With the Digital Communication and Cooperation activity, data, resources and information in this competence field will be used together with digital tools and technology in a collaborative process.

With the Digital Communication and Cooperation activity, data, resources and information in this competence field will be used together with digital tools and technology in a collaborative process.

With the activity of Digital Content Production, students will be able to organize digital content in different formats and express themselves in digital ways.

With the activity of Digital Content Production, students will be able to organize digital content in different formats and express themselves in digital ways.
With the Digital Security activity, practices will be carried out to advice students on the right approach in protecting their privacy of personal data in digital environments in this competence field.

With the Digital Security activity, practices will be carried out to advice students on the right approach in protecting their privacy of personal data in digital environments in this competence field.

With this Digital Problem Solving activity, applications will be made for the participants in the following subjects in this competence field.

With this Digital Problem Solving activity, applications will be made for the participants in the following subjects in this competence field.
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.