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Irena Szewińska`s Primary school No. 4

Irena Szewińska`s Primary school No. 4 with sports classes is located in the central part of Poland, 60 km from the capital city Warsaw. The school offers such facilities as a gym, a sports hall and a playground. The patron is Irena Szewińska, the world champion in athletics, so the school has sports traditions. Annually, it is organized by Irena Szewińska`s international race, different tournaments and sports competitions. The school creates positive, caring, and stimulating conditions for students. The school provides the possibility of receiving education for children with disabilities, socially maladjusted and at risk of social maladjustment as well. For this reason additional activities like sports, drama, music, IT classes are organized in order to support learners` diversified interests. Primary School No. 4 is experienced in leading different international projects as a coordinator and a partner school. You can find additional information on our website: psp4pultusk.edu.pl

Asociația Edulifelong

Asociația Edulifelong is a non-profit organization founded in 2013, which promotes an alternative to the actual educational and training system, a different way of understanding the teaching-learning processes, by offering high quality non-formal education and also training to adults (mainly teachers but also youth workers) as well as young people. We have a serious team of facilitators, trainers and educators and the right range of participants, thanks to our wide local and national partnerships involving, schools, universities, rural communities and municipalities. You can find additional information on our website: asociatiaedulifelong.com

Military academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje

Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje

Military Academy is a military educational, scientific and research institution for university-level education. It educates personnel for the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia, the system for crisis management and system for protection and rescue. Military Academy is associated member of the State University “Goce Delcev – Stip” and is founded by the Law and functions in accordance with the Law for High education and the Law for scientific-research work in the Republic of North Macedonia. It is accredited by the Ministry of education according to the European credit transfer system, as a high educational and scientific institution. It offers university studies in three cycles (the first cycle finishes by awarding a bachelor degree, the second cycle includes master studies and specializations, and the third cycle PhD). The University diploma of completed undergraduate studies at the Military Academy is verified in the country, which provides cadets and students with relevant positions for further education within the educational system of the country and other countries members of the Bologna's process. You can find more info  on the official website: www.ma.edu.mk

Comprensivo Statale Ignazio Buttitta

Ignazio Buttitta School, founded in 1985, is situated in an economically disadvantaged suburb of Bagheria, near Palermo, Sicily. The pupils, aged 4-15, are from low income families and have limited language skills and social & emotional problems. Students with physical disabilities and learning difficulties, 60 altogether, are included in the classrooms. Most of our students are not motivated and do not attend school regularly as a consequence their results are not satisfying and are at risk of social exclusion. In this context, our school plays the role of an essential educational, training and aggregation agency able to activate actions and paths of adequate value to recover and contrast hidden problematic situations and relational hardships. Aware of the real risks and socio-economic disadvantages early school leavers can have for their future the school arranges afternoon clubs (Art, Music, Drama and Sport) to offer students a safe place where to spend their free time and learn and develop both their social and literacy skills. Since 1999 we have been running European projects involving teachers and students in activities with other EU countries to help our students to be more open and tolerant to different cultures and cultural subgroups and, meeting peers from different parts of Europe, to overcome wrong stereotypes & racism, finding better way for an integration of diversity in class. You can find additional information on our website: icsbuttitta.edu.it

Comprehensive school William Gladstone - Sofia

18th Comprehensive school “William Gladstone” - Sofia, is the biggest school in Bulgaria, where European and Eastern languages are taught. As a successor of one of the oldest schools - the Third Men's High School (1906) - the school has introduced intensive instruction in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian with the status of a language school. The school's trademark is also connected with the introduction, for the first time in Europe, of the teaching of Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Persian and Korean languages in the curricula of secondary schools in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Since 2001, the school has maintained professional relationships with schools in France, Italy, Romania, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Slovenia, Japan, China, South Korea and the USA. Meetings with foreign representatives have encouraged the management of 18th Comprehensive school “William Gladstone” to implement its idea of opening the school to international educational programmes and projects, taking advantage of the various opportunities provided by the EC's Erasmus+ programme, which has developed to an enriching effect and Lifelong Learning programmes. Managing and participating in Erasmus+ projects for the last two decades has provided our school with opportunities for students and staff. SU to acquire skills and achieve personal, socio-educational and professional development through study, training, work experience and volunteering abroad. - In the area of CLIL methodology, the impact of the programme on the mobility of teaching professionals is exemplary. Our school has applied the CLIL methodology since 1960 for the compulsory subjects of French, English and German, and Chinese, Japanese and Arabic since 2013. - Innovative Teaching Methods: In our school, greater interaction between students is encouraged through new teaching methods such as the "Expeditionary Model" and "Project Based Learning". - 18th School “William Gladstone” has participated in numerous international projects with our latest project from 2023 focusing on "Digital Humanitarian Cooperation: digital technologies to support the integration of migrant and refugee students". - Inclusive education: we encourage our students with special educational needs to participate in all Erasmus+ project activities, where they can meet children of the same age from different European countries with different abilities. We apply SUGGESTOPEDIA language learning methods for a fast, easy and reliable acquisition of foreign languages in our inclusive education as well as “Social, Emotional and Mindful learning for a positive school environment” project. - Training and working with young people in the digital age: Qualification of our teachers in STEM subject areas in courses in Finland, Estonia, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece under the Erasmus+ projects ""A" in STEAM Education is Just As Important As Every Other Letter" and "#ShareEurope: Sharing interactive education in virtual and mixed reality" motivates teachers and students to participate in another international program "Horizon Educational". You can find additional information on our website: www.18sou.net


Our School has 18 classrooms (There are interactive boards in our classrooms), 6500 books in library, a conference room for 150 people, information technology where all exam procedures are carried out, teachers' room, sports room, principal's room, 3 deputy director's rooms, 2 counsellor service rooms, accountant room, student affair office, 1 assistant staff room, 1 medical care room,7 rooms for each lesson teachers, Music and Art Classes, ICT classroom, 2 Study Salloon, 1 Revision Room, canteen and school garden, football field, volleyball court, an indoor gym, boys 'and girls' dormitory building and cafeteria for 150 students in dormitory building. In addition, that the main stakeholders of our institution are students, parents and teachers, because of the external impact of education, there is a wide range of stakeholders that interact with the school. Our Stakeholders including opinions, surveys, meetings, wishes and request boxes, suggestions transmitted electronically It is taken continuously through various methods.  The mission of our school is raising generations who know their moral values and devoting himself on the behalf of his family, his nation, and the world. Our school is a school which is having a pioneering ideal in Turkey; questioning about how, why, where to, when; which combines the feeling of being able to catch the age with hope and trust embracing its past, showing the ability to overcome difficult times with the spirit of unity and solidarity. Our teaching staff consists of teachers who are successful in their field. Our school students are distinguished, academically successful students who make up 1% of Turkiye. Students have sufficient awareness for Erasmus projects as they don’t focus only on exam-oriented learning. You can find additional information on our website: tokatfenlisesi.meb.k12.tr

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