LTT “E-security for teachers, training” in Târgu Jiu – Romania

For 5 days, the project partners took part in intensive training on the safe and responsible use of ICT in the classroom. The aim was also to define best practices for integrating e-security education into the lessons and classroom activities of teachers from different disciplines.

Teaching online safety should not be restricted to ICT lessons. Embedding learning objectives on staying safe online throughout the curriculum of different disciplines helps ensure that students of all ages are being taught online safety skills in schools.

During the workshops, the participants designed innovative and creative lesson plans.
Moreover, they were guided on how to get involved in celebrating Safer Internet Day on the 7th of February 2023.

The agenda was full of extremely productive and collaborative activities during the third day of the Romanian LTT activity “E-safety for Teachers”. We started the day with the Benefits of Social Media in Education and brainstormed to discover the Dos and Don’ts of Social Media for Teachers.

The training continued with the presentation about online gaming. Then, the participants shared their thoughts, ideas, and experiences on this matter. The meeting with reviewing the working plan, timeline, and commitments was the next part of the training. Finally, we set up deadlines for the next project tasks according to the Gantt chart and discussed the next meeting in Macedonia.
